True Gold
Published Dec 03 2015 in Events
“True”: To be faithful and loyal. To be real and genuine. To be honest to yourself.
The day of each my jewelry shows is always a whirlwind of activity. It is always so great to see my customers come out each year to support a local business. You are faithful and loyal. I am so overwhelmed with gratitude. It was a record turnout this year, thank you.
This is just a little snapshot of just a few of my friends and family that come out each show to help me: Tracy, Jackie, Erin, Debbie, Catherine and not in the picture: Kim, Roma, Najat, Lisa, Sandra. Without you I couldn’t hold my jewelry show. You are real and genuine friends who take a day off work who leave their busy daily schedules to help me. I hope that it is a fun and exciting day for you. It was for me and you make it possible!
And everyday as I create a new piece of jewelry I ask myself: is it true me? Because in the end it is about staying true to yourself.
So thank you.
Previous: Not Just Another Story: Love and Respect